
Call for Competitions

Competitions are a key component of academic events, as they comprise effective means for making rapid progress in specific topics. By posing a challenge to the academic community, competition organizers contribute to pushing the state of the art in specific subjects and/or to solve problems of practical importance.

We invite proposals for the 2021 IEEE International Conference on Emerging Techniques in Computational Intelligence (2021 IEEE ICETCI) competition track to be held in Mahindra University Hyderabad, India.

We solicit competition proposals on any topic of interest to the ICETCI community. We especially encourage competition proposals from emerging new fields or new application domains related to computational intelligence. Interdisciplinary topics that will attract a significant cross-section of the community are especially highly encouraged.

Proposals should follow the format of standard data science competitions, where participants will compete to obtain the best score on a machine learning task of interest to the ICETCI community based on a problem and data defined and released by the organizers of the competition.

The results of competitions will be announced during a dedicated session of the 2021 IEEE ICETCI conference, where competition results will be presented and discussed. Competition organizers will be asked to propose a tentative schedule for presentation of the competition and its results during an assigned time slot. Additionally, there will be a joint poster session where participants of all competitions can share and discuss their results. Publication opportunities are being explored for organizers and participants of competitions and will be announced after acceptance of competition.


We invite you to submit proposals to the Competitions chair:

Please carefully follow the provided template (Latex, MS Word) when preparing proposals.


A competition program committee will be formed, consisting of experts on both machine learning and challenge organization. Each proposal will be reviewed by at least three members of the committee. The factors that will be considered when evaluating proposals include:

  • Task chosen: Impact, originality, relevance to the ICETCI community will all be considered. Tasks that include humanitarian and/or positive societal impact are especially highly encouraged this year, although other topics relevant to the ETCI community will also be considered. If humanitarian projects are submitted, the involvement of the community in question is strongly desired, and "parachute science" is strongly discouraged.
  • Protocol of competition: Feasibility of the task chosen, soundness of the evaluation criteria, and clarity and fairness of the competition rules will all be considered.
  • Logistics: Schedule, plan for attracting competition participants, and experience and diversity of the organizers will all be considered.

IMPORTANT DATES (anywhere on earth)

  • Competition proposal submission deadline: December 30, 2020
  • Acceptance notification: January 11, 2021
  • Competition track: August 25, 2021


  • Competition organizers should propose a timeline for running the competition to ensure that participants have enough time to contribute high-quality entries. It is recommended that competitions be completed by the end of July 2021 at the absolute latest.
  • Competition organizers that require help or suggestions regarding competition platforms for running the competition can contact the competition chair for advice.


Ronny Hänsch, German Aerospace Center, Germany.
